Animal Emergency: What Should I Do If Was Bit By An Possum

· Possum Removal

A possum bite can seem very scary & you might be wondering if you have the risk of disease. If you face any problem, then always seek the help of a medical expert in case of a possum bite. Possum bite is similar to rabies. They have low body temperatures. When possum is threatened, they bare their teeth & drool. But this is not an indication of rabies. It is their defense. Animal Emergency: What Should I Do If Was Bit By An Possum? So, you can seek the help of experts to get rid of infection & disease.

There are two types of possums: ringtail & brushtail. The ringtail possums are the least likely to bite anyone. Whereas the brushtail possums are much more aggressive & cause major damage.

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Here are some tips that can help you to get rid of possum bites:-

  • To get rid of possum bites, you need to wash the affected area with soap & water quickly to avoid rashes. Do not forget to apply antiseptic.
  • If you notice inflammation or swelling, take medical assistance. If they are not the carriers of rabies, then you can become ill due to some bacterial infection. To treat such infections use antibiotics.
  • If a possum bites you & your family member, take yourself to a doctor. If it is bleeding continuously you may need stitches. Possums have 50 teeth & they are going to cause major damage.
  • Wash the wound quickly at home. Avoid using soap with any alcohol or smell in it. But just use soap & warm water to get relief. After cleaning & drying, apply an antiseptic to that wound.
  • If the possum bites you & is bleeding, put some pressure on the wound using a soft cloth or tissue. Once the bleeding stops, you can wash the wound. Run it under the sink or use soap to clean it.
  • You can also use hydrogen peroxide to clean the wound, It might sting a little, but it helps kill bacteria.
  • Possum bites are less harmful than those of other animals. If they bite you quickly clean the wound with disinfectant & bandage it if required.
  • You can wash the possum bite & go to the local drugstore to buy a wound cleanser.
  • Use first aid on a possum bite. Wash the wound with water & soap. Flood it under the tap for 10-15 minutes. Pat it dry with a cotton cloth & do use it with povidone-iodine or another liquid disinfectant. If you want to clean the scratch, then you can use the latest healing bandage or gauze & tape.
  • If they bite you, then you need to immediately go to the hospital to avoid serious threats. Doctors will treat you in a proper way.

Hire the best Animal Emergency services

To avoid serious threats or damage to your home due to these possums you can hire the best & most effective Animal Emergency services. Choose the CBD Possum Removal services on the basis of their experience, knowledge, skills & license. They will help to remove a possum from your area.


Animal Emergency: What Should I Do If Was Bit By An Possum? If you face the same issue, then follow the above-mentioned 10 tips to get quick relief from a possum bite. These tips can be very effective to avoid infection & disease. You can also visit your doctor to avoid further infection. The easiest way you can keep possums out of your house is to hire Animal Emergency services. They can come out to your home & try multiple techniques to remove possums. They have special tools & equipment to remove possums from your home. If you want to know Top 10 Efficient Strategies For Possum Removal In Australia.